Newborn baby? 11 sleep hacks every tired parent MUST know!

Are you a new parent searching for ways to help your newborn sleep better? You're not alone—and we’ve got you covered! Here are 11 must-know tips to help your little one (and you!) get a bit more rest.

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1. Is Your Baby Really Awake?

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of newborn sleep cycles. Unlike adults, who spend about 20% of their sleep in REM (dream sleep), newborns spend nearly 50% of their sleep in this stage. During REM, your baby might wiggle, whimper, suck on their fingers, or even briefly open their eyes, making it seem like they’re awake.

Here’s the trick: wait a few minutes before intervening. If they settle back into sleep on their own, congratulations—you’ve just helped them begin learning to connect sleep cycles!

2. Feed, Feed, Feed!

A well-fed baby sleeps better—simple as that. Make sure your baby gets a full feed before sleep, whether you’re breastfeeding or using formula. Keep them awake during feeding (try gently tickling their feet!) so they take in enough. A full tummy increases the chances of longer, more restful sleep.

3. White Noise Is Your Best Friend

Newborns are used to constant sounds from their time in the womb. Rhythmic noises like a humming fan, a washing machine, or white noise apps can be incredibly soothing. If you don’t have access to appliances, try streaming white noise tracks on platforms like Spotify (here's our favorite playlist!).

4. Babies Love a Snug Sleep Space

Newborns feel safe and secure when they’re snug, just like in the womb. A baby nest or a tightly rolled towel placed around the crib or stroller can help replicate that cozy feeling. If your baby loves falling asleep in your arms, you’re not alone! Once they’re asleep, learn how to gently transition them to their crib.

5. Nighttime Is for Sleeping

Invest in blackout curtains—they’re a lifesaver! Keep your baby’s room dark and quiet at night, while making the daytime brighter and livelier. This helps establish their circadian rhythm. Darkness signals your baby’s brain that it’s time to sleep. If you’re parenting during summer, blocking out the long daylight hours is especially important.

6. Keep the Room Cool

Both adults and babies sleep better in a room set to around 16-18°C (60-65°F). Avoid heavy blankets—opt for a lightweight blanket or a sleep sack paired with comfortable pajamas. For little ones who tend to kick off their covers, a sleep sack is a game changer (plus, it makes nighttime diaper changes easier!).b

7. Establish a Simple Routine

Newborns thrive on repetition. Even simple routines—like a warm bath, a diaper change, a gentle massage, or playing the same lullaby—help your baby recognize bedtime cues. Over time, these rituals signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep. Start small and build as they grow.

8. Try a Gentle Face Massage

A soothing face massage can work wonders. Using your thumbs, gently stroke your baby’s face:

  • From the eyebrows to the temples
  • Over the cheeks from the nose outward
  • Along the chin toward the ears

Repeat each motion three times to help your baby relax and drift off to sleep.

9. Watch Those Wake Windows

Newborns sleep a lot. They usually stay awake for only 30 minutes to 1 hour before needing another nap. It’s tempting to keep them awake longer in hopes they’ll sleep better—but this often backfires, leaving them overtired and fussy. Pay attention to their "awake window" to avoid meltdowns. 

Need help keeping track of those tricky wake windows? The BabyNaps app provides personalized sleep schedules tailored to your baby’s age, helping you nail the perfect timing for naps and avoid overtiredness.

10. Carry, Rock, Bounce!

After months of rocking around in the womb, newborns are soothed by motion. A baby carrier or sling is a lifesaver for calming them down—and it keeps your hands free! Sit on a yoga ball and bounce, or gently rock them to sleep without wearing yourself out pacing the room.

11. Keep Nighttime Changes Minimal

While frequent diaper changes are a must for some newborns, you don’t need to change every wet diaper during the night. If you do need to change them, keep the lighting dim and avoid stimulating your baby. Opt for pajamas with easy zippers to make diaper changes quick and disruption-free.

BONUS: Share the Nights!

Newborns don’t follow a typical sleep schedule, and you’ll have to adapt for the first few months. If you have a partner, taking turns at night is a lifesaver. If you’re parenting solo, lean on family or friends for support. This stage is tough, but you’ll get through it—one night at a time. ♥

Evelina Åkerberg

Evelina Åkerberg

07 January, 2025

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